Monday, 18 December 2017

Counting Sheep.

It was back to work today for Timothy - Michael and I. One of his first things everyday is to check and count the sheep - this is one of his favourite jobs. There is a bit more to it than meets the eye though. It's actually training in disguise. As you can imagine he is pretty obsessed with the sheep so I'm figuring that if I can get him to take his attention off them on my command I willl be able to get his attention from just about anything. I make him sit or lie while watching them and then after maybe five minutes I tell him to come and I move off. If he starts giving them attention after that as we are moving away I tell him to leave them and when he does I reward him. There is still away to go but I can definately see an improvement.


  1. You have come a long way with Timothy-Michael in just over a month. You both deserve a relaxing long week-end over Christmas.

  2. Thanks John. There have been those that wanted me to ease off on his training but I could see the point in letting get away with things only to have to try and get him out of them again when he was settled in. He can not be pretty much trusted around the house with just a little bit of supervision which will mean that he can enjoy the festive season more fully.

  3. Having sheepdogs myself, I can imagine how hard that must be to have him focus on you with those sheep around! We don't have sheep, but if the deer or turkeys come on our property forget it! It's so hard for me to distract them from their laser focus.

  4. I can see why this is a favorite of your day! Beautiful.

    Serious business too!

    Mama to 8
    One homemade and 7 adopted


Favourite Toy.

Timoth - Michael loves his football and will sit with it when not chasing it.